Financial Literacy Courses
Explore our comprehensive financial literacy courses designed to empower you with knowledge and skills.
Course 1: Budgeting Basics
Learn how to create and manage a budget to take control of your finances.
Watch Course 1: Budgeting Basics Pay Rs. 10 for each weekScan this QR code to pay:

Course 2: Understanding Credit
Understand the importance of credit and how to build and maintain a good credit score.
Watch Course 2: Understanding Credit Pay Rs. 10 for each weekScan this QR code to pay:

Course 3: Women Empowerment
Learn about the importance of Women Empowerment.
Watch Course 3: Women Empowerment Pay Rs. 10 for each weekScan this QR code to pay:

Course 4: Handloom
Learn how to create a Handloom startup and grow your business.
Watch Course 4: Handloom Pay Rs. 10 for each weekScan this QR code to pay:

Course 5: Awarness against women domestic violence
Learn your rights - Awarness against women domestic violence .
Watch Course 5: Awarness against women domestic violence Pay Rs. 10 for each weekScan this QR code to pay: